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Getting Started

Hyperion supports various platforms for installation, via package or portable .zip. The configuration and control of Hyperion is done through a web interface.


Supported Systems *Supported Browsers
Raspberry Pi (see also HyperBian)
Debian 10, Ubuntu 20.04, Fedora 37 or higher
Mac OS
Windows 10
Chrome 47+
Firefox 43+
Opera 34+
Safari 9.1+
Microsoft Edge 14+
*Please note that some arm devices have limited support in terms of screen capturing


Ubuntu, Debian and friends, Fedora, LibreELEC, macOS, Windows

Hyperion's project package repository page provides you with installation instructions at your finger tip.

A ready made installation image is available for Raspberry Pi users

Install HyperBian to get a complete system out of the box.

Other distributions based on Ubuntu or Debian

The same easy installation script can be used, but the underlying distribution codename needs to be provided by an additional option

--ubuntu codebase name or --debian codebase name

Sample for Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS or Mint 21.2 Victoria (which are based on Ubuntu 'jammy')

curl -sSL | bash -s -- --ubuntu 'jammy'


In case Hyperion was installed from the package repository page or an deb/rpm standalone package, follow the standard operating system procedures to update the system.

Ubuntu, Debian and friends + HyperBian

Open a terminal or ssh into a remote system and execute

sudo apt-get install hyperion


Open a terminal and execute

sudo dnf -y upgrade hyperion


See here.


Ubuntu, Debian and friends, LibreELEC, Fedora, macOS, Windows

Hyperion's project package repository page provides you with the respective removal instructions

Hyperion User Data

Hyperion stores user configuration data and customised effects inside the executing user's home directory (folder .hyperion).

Alternatively, you can check the "About Hyperion" page. The Config path: entry specifies the location where user data is stored currently.

Hyperion Linux Service

On non-interactive (headless) environments, a Hyperion service is installed running under the current user. In same cases, e.g. using ws281x LEDs, Hyperion must run under root. Hyperion provides a command-line utility which allows switching the user running the service.

Change the service user 'root'

sudo updateHyperionUser -u root the current user

sudo updateHyperionUser

Create a service

By default, a Hyperion service is not installed on interactive environments with a Graphical User Interface. In case you would like to run Hyperion as a system service, you can create the service manually.

  1. Copy Hyperion's service file
sudo cp /usr/share/hyperion/service/hyperion.systemd /etc/systemd/system/hyperion@.service
  1. Establish the service for the current user.
    If it should be a different user, use the -u option
sudo /usr/share/hyperion/scripts/
  1. Check that the service is running for your current user.
    Replace ${USER} with the username set with the -u option before
systemctl status hyperion@${USER}